Monday, October 7, 2013

Why does life make me want to cuss sometimes?

In my 5th year of college to become a counselor, I finally stumbled on a theory that made sense to me. I remember right where I was sitting in class when the professor explaned it. A light bulb went on. It was Existentialism. Before you send my name out on a prayer chain, hear me out.

Existentialism as a counseling theory says that we need to get to a place of exasperation where life doesn't work, then and only then true change happens.  Our life must become meaningless before we will seek true meaning. The theory clicked and since that day I have seen this all through Scripture. Solomon was a prime example. He had it all yet he called it all meaningless before he whistfully came to the chief duty of man.  The man who found the pearl of great price is another example.  When he knew that all his posessions were meaningless, he was changed.  Job feel down with his hand over his mouth and gave up all his rationalization.  I also see this thought in the statements of Jesus, "except a grain of wheat fall into the ground and die" and "he who  would save his life must lose it."

Paul is my favorite and he is the one who gives me the courage to cuss about it. In Phillipians 3, he called it all a pile of sh@$#.  All his success, all his theology, all his reputation, all his relationships, all his safety, all his heritage -- everything he was and had achieved was only worth getting flushed down the toilet.


And can't you tell when you meet someone who has been to the bottom? Like Gandalf after the battle in the Mines of Moria. Like Aslan after the stone table is broken. Like C.S.Lewis after his wife dies of cancer. Like my dad after the accident.

No need to sugar coat anything anymore. The carefully laid house of cards comes crashing down.  Well defined theology rattles. Only what is real remains.


1 comment:

  1. Oh, I totally agree. This desperation has been true in my life -- and changed me.


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